
B1. The birds they sang at the break of day. “Start again” I heard them say.  Leonard Cohen

– Timmons Family

B2.  The storytellers, here’s to them.  Val Sears: the last line of his book “Hello sweetheart, get me  rewrite”

– Edith Cody Rice for Val Sears

B3.  I say Dank voor de liefde. Thank you for the love.  Buster Van de Geest, Dutch poet

– Branje family

B4.  So come and sit with me awhile.  Elliot Matsu

– Pat Vetter for Frank

B5.  This place is the poem I wanted to write.  from Mary Oliver

– Jane McLeod for Margaret Duncan

B6.  I shall e’er be in sunshine with my love by my side.  Jane Coyle’s dad

– Jane Coyle

B7.  And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul.  John Muir

– Tove for Ed Lawrence

Ed Lawrence is a renowned horticulturalist, gardener, broadcaster and writer. He has been involved with The Alameda from the conception of the project: planning the type of trees suitable to plant, how far apart, the depth to plant and many other aspects of this important undertaking.

So how wonderful for Ed then, to sit down and enjoy the trees as they grow, from his bench wide enough to invite a friend or two. From this vantage point, Ed and friends can also enjoy the Almonte Horticultural Society flower gardens and the Foodbank vegetable gardens.

Planting trees is Ed’s favourite “thing” to do, so The Alameda Bench is a tribute to his 50 + years of community and horticultural commitment.

Not only to Mississippi Mills but across Ontario.

The inscription on the Bench says it all, who Ed is:

“and into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul”

B8.  A paradise my garden is, and there my day is spent.  Robert Service, “My Garden”

– Ayling family for Ron

B9. One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.  William Shakespeare

– Geuer family for Juan and Els Geuer

B10.  Imagine all the people living in peace. John Lennon, Imagine

– Bill and Ingrid for Bill and Betty Barrie